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why does a muted heart sound so familiar?

is it all because of time spent that I can now sit down and recite to you stories, events, pieces. it seems too easy, too simple to be just that. Oh I know, it because it isn't, just THAT.
Lets be honest, there are some grand moments in life. Love, SEX!, lust, my puppies eyes, my kitties cuddles, rain, grass, storms, leaves, peace, harmony, music, sound, touch, sight, inside, out,
and well, here they are all at once. Tim Leary wasn't just a nut, or working for the gov or both for that matter, he touched a void in himself and then within others, right through to a generation.

One of those that worked for a different state,
some wrong and confused, others hurt and abused,
but loved throughout the experience (sought) found
life, mind becoming one. Its softness is not hard to imagine,
its beauty is not without reach, freedom eludes us all,
each and every turn we burn, softness, kindness lives within my soul.
I don't want to let the time escape, grinning as my heart aches
grinning as my light wakes, alive and around

and I need time to escape that mind, a caught mind that has one track, it's a road all minds have seen but most don't open, I need to let them all in to open it themselves, whenever they need, bask in oneness deep. I fight with its masquerade, its falseness but I cannot deny its eloquence.

Softness to the touch that provokes so much.
Music to delight, when is a souls turn to fight.
Caged and alone
blue oneness that shows fondness.
A haze of glazed pain, the time has come

and we get lost for what are but not even moments in a time that is so vast. We stay in touch through media and technologies, so we all seem so close to one another. We sleep with our phones on vibrate as though they are the murmurers and peacefulness of a loved one there in our sleep. It does give us a vast array to show hidden sides but only those that remain hidden because of what it cannot show need to be seen.

I don't feel apart of it, even being so close. It keeps everyone so far.
I am a demon. Now in this time I am bound to simple needs and satisfactions. That I can thrive off so little means that my innermost being is allowed to sleep so soundly. Deeply away so that even those brief moments when now feels as though it has seen it, are so far beyond. Its not simple. Its not meant to be. Neither is science. It is to be discovered if not rediscovered. It seems soft to touch, pertaining to all, but that is just the manifestation of its most simple form. You. me. is to be found. Asleep.


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