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confused little creatures

unable to get lost.  then, as time catches up with you, having lived feeling as though you were ahead of it, as though it had no affect on you, SNAP, it catches you, slows you down, shows you how small you are, how small your actions are, how big your 'Right' thoughts need to be.
and i enjoy it
we all do
the life giving feeling that you are as insignificant as the shell that is. though whole and complete as an entity. that 14 billion years has led to you and billions of  years will take you with it.  that we fall into our space of time that inhabits such minute dimensions.
we fall prey to material gain, to love, to worth, to what we perceive as life, forgetting that this planet in this universe in this mulitverse exists without our needs, without our wants, only our position of homeostasis. 
passions, desires, conceptual thoughts of needs and shadowed longings of wants we sit, stand and play within our time, not living presently enough, living through memories and dreams, not seeing the sun rise, the flowers bloom or the animals smile.  i pain at thoughts of missed life as life is all around me and i forgo it for sake of being lost in the creation of my mind.  not enough of us are being brought up well enough to realise soon in our existence our place within this wonderful biodiversity.  we are not engulfed by the oceans tides, the moons shine and the winds thoughts.  we don't walk barefoot on earth, 4 billion year old earth, with the respect that we should.  encased in concrete we industrialise the world under the pretense of modern day evolution, not seeming to sense that evolution will go on and forward without us, without our needs, without our hopes as it has a path set before it from millenia before.
so, to do what?  simple smiles, simple affections toward knowledge that 'you are small', 'you are matter', 'you have existed before'.  they say each snowflake is different, are your thoughts?  are your actions?  be different, be you in this old world and you will feel this old world be with you, encouraging you to be within each moment, to seek, to help, not to squander but to grasp each smell, each sound and each taste as that is what is real.   not perception, but moments.

and then to pass on a feeling? 

to stop chasing?

 oh how we are..


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